Beach Courses Membership

These courses are for the people who like the beach, go to the beach, and enjoy collecting seashells and beachcombing.

In this course, you will learn what is seaglass, the different types of sea glass, locations of seaglass, and the history of seaglass. This course also includes some tips to find beach and the difference between real vs fake

Amazing Facts About Seaglass Everyone Should Know

  • Where can I find seaglass?

    Seaglass can be found all over the world, but the beaches of the northeast United States, Bermuda, Scotland, the Isle of Man, northeast and northwest England, Mexico, Hawaii, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nova Scotia, Australia, Italy and southern Spain are famous for their bounty of sea glass

  • Best seaglass pieces are old

    Seaglass takes 20 to 40 years, and sometimes as much as 100 to 200 years, to acquire its characteristic texture and shape. It is also commonly referred to as "drift glass" from the longshore drift process that forms the smooth edges.

  • How do I find seaglass?

    Allow a minimum of TWO hours to search for sea glass. Skip the pristine sandy beach for a pebbly beach with lots of rocks. Go where the waves are. The best time to hunt for beach glass is after a storm. Visit the beach at low tide. Tides are lower around full moons so plan your hunt accordingly. Don’t be afraid to wade out into the water if necessary. Face AWAY from the sun and look for sparkles. Begin your search near the lower low-tide lines or rocky areas, but search the entire shoreline if time allows.

Learn more about the beach and let me teach you to create your own beautiful Sea Glass Art

People Who Enjoyed The Courses

“These courses have really great information on seaglass, seashells and other beach related things and it has helped me get a better understanding of what is going on at the beach. I recommend them to everyone who loves the ocean and likes to collect beach treasures of all kinds.”

Jeremey Spindler

“I enrolled the beach academy because I wanted to share with others my passion for seashells. I have been able to connect to like minded people and they have also help me identify some of my beach findings. Thank you for all you do for the beach community”

Ina Schaeffer

“The Beach Academy has been much more than I first thought it would be. I have been able to learn a lot about beaches, I enjoy being part of the community and meet others with the same interests as mine.”

Lena Jeromin

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